Good practices and lessons learned on the setup and implementation of National Systems of Innovation (NSI)

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Guidance and Frameworks
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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)

The technology framework of the Paris Agreement highlights National Systems of Innovation (NSI) as a key topic under the innovation theme. Furthermore, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) emphasizes the transformative potential of a focus on NSI in developing countries for enhanced technology development and transfer. Guided by the technology framework, and informed by the latest available science, the joint work programme of the Technology Mechanism for 2023-2027 outlines NSI as a common area of work for the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN).
This summary for policy makers:
- Aims to assist policymakers in developing countries who are seeking to strengthen their NSI in the context of climate action;
- Presents a two-step approach to analysing NSI;
- Deepen the understanding of selected parts of the Systems and identify measures and approaches that have improved the effectiveness of the national systems in specific cases;
- Provides recommendations on setting up NSI.

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United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)