Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Model (GACMO) 2.01

Resource Type
Analysis Tools
Expertise Level
Inputs Needed
The GHG balance for the chosen country is needed. All cells where inputs are required are highlighted in yellow in the workbook.
Outputs Provided
The outcome of the use of the GACMO Model is a table providing an overview of the cost and impact of different mitigation initiatives, outputted in the format of a table and an Abatement Revenue Curve. The input required for the model to run is a GHG balance for the country in question.
Developer or Source

Calculating current and future greenhouse gas emissions is a prerequisite for countries to inform political decisions concerning climate action. It is also the foundation for transparent and credible climate action at national and global levels. 

The GACMO (Greenhouse Gas Abatement Cost Model) is a greenhouse gas emissions projections tool developed over more than twenty years by the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre. It allows countries to carry out rapid but accurate scenario analysis of how a variety of mitigation options impact emissions, thereby increasing transparency and contributing to informed decision making. 

The tool can provide valuable input for preparing and updating NDCs by identifying NDC targets for emissions reductions and by providing assessments of future emissions in different climate action scenarios. It can also be used to prepare biennial transparency reports (BTRs) under the Paris Agreement. 

The GACMO tool can be downloaded and used free of charge.