Meaningful Youth Engagement in Policy and Decision-making Processes

Sectors and Themes
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Guidance and Frameworks
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United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Youth are key to identifying new solutions that will secure the breakthroughs that our world urgently needs. As future custodians of the planet, they also stand to lose the most if societies become more insecure and unequal and if the triple planetary crisis continues unabated. In recent years, young people have become a driving force for societal change through social mobilization – pushing for climate action, seeking racial justice, promoting gender equality and demanding dignity for all. There have also been countless examples of young people driving innovative change in a host of arenas, such as in business, technology and science.

Building on Our Common Agenda and intergovernmental and extensive multi-stakeholder consultations, including with youth, three key recommendations are put forward in the present brief. It is recommended that Member States:

a) Expand and strengthen youth participation in decision-making at all levels;
b) Make meaningful youth engagement a requirement in all United Nations decision-making processes;
c) Support the establishment of a standing United Nations Youth Townhall and an integrated programme from the United Nations system to facilitate greater diversity, representativeness, and preparedness in youth participation.

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