Climate & Disaster Risk Screening Tools

Sectors and Themes
Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem Services
Oceans and Coasts
Expertise Level
Resource Type
Analysis Tools
Inputs Needed
Sector of interest
Outputs Provided
Sectoral risk screening
Developer or Source
World Bank

The Climate & Disaster Risk Screening Tools is a website containing a suite of risk screening tools including project and national/policy tools. Project tools include agriculture, coastal flood protection, energy, health, roads, water, and a general tool. The tools are designed to help you screen for climate and disaster risks at the early stages of project design, using integrated country-specific data, and online reference resources for disaster and climate resilient development. The tools assist in the development of planning processes that identify the severity of the potential risks to projects of various scales; ranging from national plans to individual project investments; and helps stimulate thinking towards developing enhanced resilience opportunities as well as potential risks to climate change.

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