Uncovering Fuel Stacking Behaviors and Preferences: A Survey Tool for Clean Cooking Enterprises

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Analysis Tools
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Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA)
User Insights Lab (UIL)

Fuel stacking is when a household uses multiple fuels or cooking solutions concurrently. A typical “stack” can include both cleaner fuels, such as ethanol, and polluting fuels, such as charcoal. While fuel stacking per se is not a problem – cooking with a range of solutions and different fuels is common across markets – the continued use of polluting fuels poses a significant challenge in achieving the transition to cleaner and more efficient cooking solutions.

This new tool aims to uncover insights into fuel stacking behaviors among customers and facilitate the design of targeted interventions to promote the adoption of clean cooking technologies. Through the survey, enterprises can surface insights on important aspects of end-user behavior and decision making when it comes to which fuels to use for their cooking needs. The survey covers:

• Current fuel use: questions on which fuels are used in the household, how frequently, and how recently.
• Influences on fuel stacking behavior: questions related to fuel costs, decisions based on the types of meals cooked, equipment compatibility, etc.
• Cooking processes: questions on how compatible cooking technologies are perceived to be with various cooking processes.
• Specific foods: questions on foods or dishes that are cooked on specific types of fuels/technologies for reasons such as practicality, taste, or convenience.

If you are interested in the using the survey or learning more, please email the User Insights Lab at userinsights@cleancooking.org.

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