NDC Tracking Tool

Expertise Level
Resource Type
Analysis Tools
Developer or Source
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Operational since 2022, FAO’s NDC Tracking Tool is openly available and allows users to collect information required to track progress made in implementing a country’s NDC. The Tool allows users to assess progress on NDC implementation by (i) comparing planned versus implemented mitigation and adaptation actions, and (ii) estimating the GHG reduction achieved from the implementation of mitigation actions compared against the sectoral and/or national baseline and NDC target scenario. The Tools’ structure corresponds to the requirements of the Modalities, Procedures and Guidelines of the Paris Agreement’s Enhanced Transparency Framework and, therefore, supports countries to collect the necessary information needed for the submission of Biennial Transparency Reports (BTR). It is designed to support government staff and other experts involved in the preparation, implementation, enhancing, and reporting of a country’s NDC. The tool covers all NDC relevant mitigation sectors. For adaptation, planned and implemented policies as well as measures can be tracked for a total of 13 sectors, including agriculture. As the Tool is designed to track the implementation of a country’s NDC, its results provide the user with insights into implementation achievements, shortcomings and potential areas for further enhancing an NDC.

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