Untapped Opportunities for Climate Action: An Assessment of Food Systems in Nationally Determined Contributions

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Guidance and Frameworks
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Global Alliance for the Future of Food

In Untapped Opportunities for Climate Action: An Assessment of Food Systems in Nationally Determined Contributions, the Global Alliance for the Future of Food comprehensively assesses how 14 countries have incorporated food systems into their NDCs to date. Designed as a toolkit for policymakers and other interested stakeholders, the assessments, country case studies, framework, and summary report that make up the full suite of materials highlight the many opportunities for governments to use food systems transformation to drive significant greenhouse gas emissions reductions, as well as other health, environmental, and social benefits.

The suite of materials in this toolkit offers to policy makers, climate advisors, and other food systems stakeholders:

1. A summary report aimed to inform policy development and implementation, advocacy strategies, and key messages of influential state and non-state climate actors and highlights the many opportunities for governments to use food systems transformation to drive significant greenhouse gas emissions reductions, as well as other health, environmental, and social benefits.

2. Guidance and related Assessment Framework designed to enable policymakers, organizations, and other interested stakeholders to take a comprehensive food systems approach to the development and implementation of future NDCs or national climate policies, including a bespoke Assessment Framework that is based on the Global Alliance’s Seven Principles and Seven Calls to Action for Food Systems Transformation.

3. Fourteen individual country assessments which provides an overview of food systems in the respective country and outlines areas of improvement and opportunity.

4. A summary of country assessments and lessons learned that presents clear and compelling evidence for how food systems can contribute creative solutions to climate change.

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Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Climate Focus, COP28 Presidency, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Global Alliance for the Future of Food, NDC Partnership, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)