Climate Action Tracker

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Climate Analytics
NewClimate Institute

The Climate Action Tracker (CAT) is an independent scientific analysis produced by three research organisations tracking climate action and global efforts towards the globally agreed aim of holding warming below 2°C, since 2009. The CAT tracks 32 countries covering around 80% of global emissions.

The national actions tracked are:

Effect of current policies on emissions: The policies a government has implemented or enacted and how these are likely to affect national emission over the time period to 2030, and where possible beyond.
Impact of pledges, targets and INDCs (link) on national emissions over the time period to 2030, and where possible beyond.
Fair share and comparability of effort: Whether a government is doing its “fair share” compared with others towards the global effort to limit warming below 2?C.

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Climate Analytics, NewClimate Institute

Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), NewClimate Institute

NewClimate Institute