Tracking progress on the ground: Guidance and good practices for integrating subnational and non-state actors into M&E systems for national climate change adaptation policies

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Resource Type
Guidance and Frameworks
Developer or Source
Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

The multi-level nature of climate change adaptation means that when tracking the progress being made towards achieving the objectives of national adaptation policies, policy-owners need to take the actions of subnational and non-state (SANS) actors into account. As data on these actions and their results are in the hands of their implementers, systems developed to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of national adaptation policies need to integrate these actors by providing them with the necessary framework, infrastructure and enabling environment that enables them to collect and supply the data they require.

This guide aims to support actors in national governments that are responsible for the M&E of national adaptation policies integrate SANS actors into the M&E systems they are developing.

It does this by describing the barriers that typically prevent SANS actors from participating in M&E systems and presenting a series of measures and good practices that those developing such systems could implement to identify and overcome these barriers.

While the primary target audience of this guide are national government actors engaged in developing M&E systems for adaptation policies, much of the guidance contained within this guide will also be applicable to subnational governments as well as actors developing M&E systems for policy areas such as development that have a similar reliance on SANS actors to provide data about policy implementation.

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