Guide for Designing Mandatory Greenhouse Gas Reporting Programs

Expertise Level
Resource Type
Guidance and Frameworks

The report provides detailed guidance

Inputs Needed
Outputs Provided
Guidance on developing GHG reporting programs
Developer or Source
World Bank
World Resources Institute (WRI)

The report offers guidance for policymakers and practitioners in developing mandatory GHG reporting programs. It provides a useful reference to stakeholder groups that wish to participate effectively in the development and design of these programs. Stakeholders may include the entities that expect to be regulated, industry associations, environmental and academic groups, multilateral organizations, and funding agencies. This report highlights the major design elements of a reporting program and discusses various factors influencing decisions under each element. An attempt has been made to identify design options and provide practical recommendations while recognizing that reporting programs are context specific. Although the emphasis is on the design of a mandatory reporting program, many aspects of the report are relevant for developing voluntary programs.

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