Mainstreaming Climate Change Adaptation: A Practitioner's Handbook

South Asia
Sectors and Themes
Disaster Risk Reduction
Rural Development
Expertise Level
Resource Type
Guidance and Frameworks
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The goals of this handbook are:
• to present a comprehensive understanding of what mainstreaming climate change adaptation means
• to provide detailed guidance on how mainstreaming climate change adaptation can be put into practice

The handbook will assist in analyzing the implications of climate change for the lives and livelihoods of the communities we work with. The handbook provides: methodology; practical tools; case studies; guidance and relevant information on how to assess project and program vulnerability to climate variability and change; and how to design and adapt projects so that they are more resilient to a range of climate change scenarios. This handbook is designed to complement other climate change tools developed by CARE International including the Climate Vulnerability and Capacity Analysis (CVCA) and Toolkit for Integrating Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) into Projects.

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