Guide on Gender Mainstreaming: Energy and Climate Change Projects

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Guidance and Frameworks
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United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

This guide was developed to assist the staff of UNIDO’s Energy and Climate Change Branch (ECC) to apply a gender perspective throughout the project cycle but can be adapted and made useful for national and local counterparts, agencies, international and private-sector partners, and individual experts. The guide is divided into six chapters and is meant to be read in its entirety. The first two chapters provide a general background of gender concepts and the gender dimensions of sustainable energy projects, and the remaining chapters provide a step-by-step roadmap of gender mainstreaming in the different stages of the project cycle; including formulation, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation. Specific tools such as gender analyses at national and sectoral levels, risk assessments, and indicator frameworks within the context of energy and climate change projects are outlined along with guidance for integrating results into projects. Included in the annexes are sample terms of references (TORs) for gender experts in project design and implementation which can be adapted from the UNIDO template, as well as guides for integrating gender into the evaluation of a project or program.

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United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)