Country Engagement
Working with member countries, development partners and implementing partners, we catalyze support for country requests to implement and enhance NDCs.
Flexible, country-driven processes to support the planning, coordination, resource mobilization, implementation and progress tracking of climate actions prioritized by member countries.
Supporting the development and maintenance of comprehensive frameworks for NDC updating and implementation that facilitate coordinated mobilization of support among member countries, and development and implementing partners. Fast-tracking support for NDC updating and implementation by facilitating support for specific country priorities from partners.
Our Approach
Our Country Engagement work accelerates climate action for sustainable development.
Mainstreaming Climate
Working with the whole-of-government to articulate climate priorities and integrate them into national development plans, budgets and policy frameworks.
Fostering Engagement
Facilitating whole-of-society participation in NDC planning and implementation.
Mobilizing Support
Coordinating, aligning and maximizing partner support in response to country needs.