Adaptation Metrics Mapping Evaluation (AMME) Framework

Expertise Level
Resource Type
Guidance and Frameworks
Developer or Source
International Platform on Adaptation Metrics (IPAM)

The Adaptation Metrics Mapping Evaluation Programme (AMME Programme), initiated by the International Platform on Adaptation Metrics (IPAM), aims to collate and support interventions focused on adaptation metrics evaluation.

With support from the UK-funded North Africa Technical Assistance Facility (NATAF) the present AMME Framework document has been developed to support the implementation of the AMME programme. The objective behind the AMME Framework is to provide practical guidance for mapping and evaluating available metrics and identifying the potential for developing new metrics.

The AMME Framework outlines five aspects that are common to all adaptation interventions. The metrics aspects are:
1. Purpose
2. Stakeholder engagement, participation and communication strategies
3. Stakeholder competencies and capacities
4. Data and information, and,
5. Evaluation and good practice.

Each of these aspects is viewed through three lenses. These lenses identify key metrics issues central to all interventions:
1. Stakeholders and their needs
2. A ‘whole system’ perspective
3. How metrics support decision making processes.

The lenses automatically adjust for differences in scope, scale and purposes of individual mapping evaluations, and their individual perspectives overlap naturally where required.