Adaptation Actions in NDC Partnership Plans: Opportunities for Alignment with NAP Processes

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Resource Type
Guidance and Frameworks
Developer or Source
NAP Global Network

This study identifies opportunities to align action on adaptation in NDCs and NAP processes through an analysis of adaptation options in the NDC Partnership Plans. These plans are three-year results-based plans that set out priority actions to guide the implementation of mitigation, adaptation and crosscutting initiatives to enable the achievement of NDCs. The plans are living documents that change over time and are updated as donors and implementing partners provide support for priority actions, and governments adjust outputs and activities based on evolving needs. The plans help developing countries improve coordination and increase access to resources for the implementation of actions by providing guidance to donors and implementing partners on gaps and needs. The development of the plans is supported by the NDC Partnership, which is “a coalition of countries and institutions working to mobilize support and achieve ambitious climate goals while enhancing sustainable development.”

This report provides the results of an analysis of adaptation action in 18 NDC Partnership Plans (as of 30th April 2019) and aims to encourage alignment by identifying actions that contribute to the NAP process and achievement of adaptation NDCs. The analysis identifies adaptation actions and gaps in support for these actions, noting those actions identified by the largest number of developing countries. The analysis identifies various areas where donors and implementing partners could potentially provide support for activities that further NAP processes and NDC adaptation.

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