Land Emissions and Removals Navigator (LEARN) Tool

North America
Sectors and Themes
Forestry and Other Land Use
Expertise Level
Resource Type
Analysis Tools
Inputs Needed
No input needed for county-level analysis. GIS file input needed for analysis with a custom boundary. For a custom boundary analysis, upload must be a ZIP file containing a shapefile (SHP, DBF, and PRJ) with a single polygon in WGS84 coordinate system.
Outputs Provided
Summary report and excel file data for U.S. County or custom boundary selected for analysis.
Developer or Source
ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability

Land Emissions and Removals Navigator (LEARN) Tool is a free to use online tool which estimates the local greenhouse gas (GHG) impacts of forests and trees for communities in the United States. LEARN combines methods outlined in the ICLEI Greenhouse Gas Protocol’s Appendix J with national data sources to derive a first-order approximation of annual GHG impacts over a given time period. Results can be saved as a report and entered into ICLEI’s ClearPath GHG reporting tool. With relatively simple input, users can get a general understanding of annual emissions and removals from forest and trees outside of forests (urban forests) for their community. With additional inputs like custom GIS layers, LiDAR or tree canopy data, users can get finer resolution data specific to their community. The tool provides a report and tables to utilize in ClearPath, Public documents, and Climate/Sustainability Plans.

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ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability

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