Clean Cooking for Climate Action: Roadmap for National Clean Cooking Programs to Achieve Emission Reduction Targets

Sectors and Themes
Resource Type
Guidance and Frameworks
Expertise Level
Developer or Source
Berkeley Air Monitoring Group
Clean Cooking Alliance (CCA)

This document helps governments and other stakeholders initiate, expand, or enhance clean cooking initiatives and support their commitments under the Paris Agreement. This document aims to:

1. Highlight the many and multifaceted positive impacts of clean cooking.
2. Identify and showcase a selection of specific and indirect policy commitments in the cooking and household energy sector that governments have made as part of their climate ambitions under the Paris Agreement, through their nationally determined contributions (NDCs).
3. Provide an overview of good practices in program design, and reference best practice examples and design principles.
4. Introduce a toolkit for developing national strategic plans for clean cooking transition that can maximize the potential for international funding.
5. Identify and briefly describe relevant resources.

This document is intended to benefit low- and middle-income (LMIC) country government personnel and their public and private sector partners engaged in developing and implementing cooking energy transition programs with the goal of reducing harmful climate-forcing emissions. Typically, such professionals are housed within ministries or agencies concerned with energy and/or environment, but colleagues from departments dealing with health, women, small business, social development and related fields may also find this content relevant.