On Behalf of My Delegation: A survival guide for new and lonely climate change negotiators

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Guidance and Frameworks
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International Institute for Sustainable Development (IISD)

This “Survival Guide” provides, on the one hand, a backpacker’s guide to the negotiating context and, on the other hand, sums up the key problems faced by negotiators and ways to deal with these problems. This combines descriptions of substance and procedure; simplicity with detail, theory with practical tips, ideas with material for further research and words with figures. It is a manual to assist the negotiators in general, and Southern negotiators in particular, in dealing with the negotiations. This document pays tribute to negotiators worldwide, but especially from the Global South, who have, under very complicated circumstances, bravely negotiated the extremely complex issue of climate change on behalf of their countries.

Disponible ici en français: https://www.iisd.org/system/files/2024-03/au-nom-de-ma-delegation-deuxi…

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