Mapping Katowice decisions related to Nationally Determined Contributions

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Resource Type
Guidance and Frameworks
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Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
World Bank

The World Bank through PROFOR, FAO and the BC3 Basque Center for Climate Change prepared jointly the document: Mapping Katowice decisions related to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC). The materials presented in this product seek to provide information on the Katowice Climate Package, agreed during the Katowice Climate Conference held in 2018. Specifically, it contains information on the decisions related to the modalities, procedures and guidelines for the transparency framework of action and support to facilitate understanding of the Parties’ communication and reporting obligations under the Paris Agreement, as well as the process to track progress implementation of NDC commitments. This material seeks to serve as a resource for developing countries for the update, review and communication of NDCs, as well as for the reporting and accounting of their NDC commitments.

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