Economic Advisory Initiative (EAI)
In response to COVID-19, the NDC Partnership launched the Economic Advisory Initiative in June 2020 to support governments in preparing climate compatible recovery packages by embedding economic advisors into ministries of finance and/or planning. This was a direct response to the outcome of a survey, conducted by the Partnership in May 2020, covering 68 developing Country Members.
With support from 13 of its members, the Partnership embedded 52 economic advisors in 31 developing Country Members and the African Union Commission (AUC).
There were two broad categories of advisory support—(i) Economic planning, which focused on incorporating considerations of climate compatible growth in COVID-19 economic recovery response and ensuring the alignment of recovery plans with countries’ current or revised NDCs; and (ii) Climate finance, which focused on identifying climate financing projects and initiatives, developing resource mobilization strategies, and establishing related financial instruments and mechanisms. The work of each of these advisors was implemented, on a rolling basis, for six to twelve months between September 2020 and August 2022.


Asian Development Bank

Conservation International

Global Green Growth Institute

United Nations Habitat

World Bank Group