Profiting Companies Dataset for Fossil Fuel Extraction in Protected Areas

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Leave it in the Ground Initiative (LINGO)

This dataset outlines oil and gas companies as well as coal companies which are profiting from fossil fuel extraction in protected areas. It includes information on potential extraction, total proven reserves, potential CO2 emissions, and ranks companies by potential emissions and number of projects.

Potential extraction includes all the oil and/or gas that a given project may extract of its lifetime, irrespective of market prices. This includes future re-work and projected advances in drilling technology. Losses due to leaks, flaring, and reinjection are not factored into this figure.

The tracker collects data on coal reserves and resources at each operation and project in million tonnes (Mt) and defined in compliance with international JORC reporting standards. The Total reserve figure includes measured resources that are sufficiently “proved” and indicated/measured resources that are “probable.”