Education for climate action: Integrating education into nationally determined contributions

Sectors and Themes
Resource Type
Guidance and Frameworks
Expertise Level
Developer or Source
Global Partnership for Education (GPE)
Save the Children

Despite being recognized in articles of agreements formulated in climate negotiations since 1992, education has been a neglected sector in the conceptualization of climate strategies. Ministries of Education have often faced challenges in ensuring that linkages with education are made in national climate policies, and efforts over the past decade to enshrine education in national climate commitments have been limited.

This document sets out to support Ministries of Education and education sector partners to effectively engage in NDC processes by providing:

  1. Common guidance and education messaging to highlight what could be included in NDCs and why
  2. Entry points to identify where to include education in NDCs
  3. Step by step process to demonstrate how to include education in NDCs, both those already being updated and nearing completion, and those starting from the beginning.

The guidance document is designed to be practical and to provide specific, actionable suggestions to support education’s inclusion in NDCs.