Gender Integration in NDCs: A Commonwealth Best Practice Guide

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Resource Type
Guidance and Frameworks
Developer or Source
Commonwealth Secretariat

This Best Practice Guide has been developed by the Commonwealth Secretariat to support Commonwealth member countries on the journey towards gender equality in climate action; with a focus on enhancing the gender responsiveness of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

The intended users of this Best Practice Guide are the stakeholders of the NDC update process: national climate change focal points, national gender-responsible entities, sectoral leads, Commonwealth National and Regional Climate Finance Advisers of the Commonwealth Climate Finance Access Hub (CCFAH), as well as those who carry out research and assessments on which future NDCs are based.

The guide has been produced from analysis and recommendations for strengthening the gender responsiveness of NDCs in the accompanying report, Gender Integration for Climate Action: A Review of Commonwealth Member Country Nationally Determined Contributions (second edition), and is the result of an inclusive collaborative process from across the Commonwealth.