Enhancing NDCs for Food Systems: Recommendations for Decision-Makers

Sectors and Themes
Forestry and Other Land Use
Expertise Level
Resource Type
Guidance and Frameworks
Developer or Source
Climate Focus
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

This tool seeks to provide guidance and recommendations for policymakers to increase ambition in Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), building upon the climate change mitigation and adaptation potential of a transition to sustainable food systems. The tool identifies 16 ways policymakers could take more action, from farm to fork, to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to negative climate impacts. It provides guiding questions for policymakers that highlight categories of activities, areas, and broad examples for opportunities to increase food system targets in NDCs. Furthermore, policymakers can integrate food system-based mitigation and adaptation activities into NDCs by exploring opportunities at each stage of food value chain, including production, processing, storage, transport, and consumption. Finally, the resource highlights examples of the food system in NDCs by identifying clear processes for governments to enhance NDCs and set standards for the specific elements in NDCs, including steps, indicators, and targets.

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