Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation: Transport Sector

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Guidance and Frameworks
Developer or Source
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

The options outlined in this guidebook are designed to assist you in the process of developing transport services and facilities in your countries and localities – transport that better serves people’s needs and enhances their lives while at the same time producing fewer greenhouse gas emissions. This is a new challenge, as previously improving transport generally led to increased greenhouse gases.

The challenge now is to provide transport that:
• is cheaper, more extensive and better quality
• reduces pollution, congestion, traffic accidents and other threats to health and wellbeing
• is accessible to all
• supports economic development
• reduces greenhouse emissions overall.

As you address these issues, the Guidebook can help you by:
• providing data on energy use and greenhouse gas emissions for different transport modes in different parts of the world, and showing how to calculate greenhouse savings from various policy options
• setting out in some detail fifteen sets of technologies and practices to better meet people’s transport needs while reducing greenhouse emissions
• describing how these technologies and practices can be implemented, with attention to planning, local research, consultation, governance, ownership, capacity-building and funding (from both traditional and new carbon-related funding sources)
• providing additional sources of information to enable detailed follow up

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