
About Us

The NDC Partnership brings together more than 200 members, including more than 130 countries, developed and developing , and nearly 100 institutions to create and deliver on ambitious climate action that help achieve the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Governments identify their NDC implementation priorities and the type of support that is needed to translate them into actionable policies and programs. Based on these requests, the membership offers a tailored package of expertise, technical assistance and funding. This collaborative response provides developing countries with efficient access to a wide range of resources to adapt to and mitigate climate change and foster more equitable and sustainable development.

By acting together, we achieve more.

The effects of climate change are far-reaching and interconnected. So too must be our response. Transformational change is needed to cut emissions and adapt to a changing climate, all while meeting development needs. Such change requires ground-breaking coordination to mobilize resources globally, with speed and scale. ​Through the NDC Partnership, countries draw upon members' expertise and funding, turning their NDCs into actionable policies, programs and projects. The Partnership’s approach powers a collective response in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.




Countries, developed and developing



The Partnership’s approach powers  a collective response in which the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

History of The NDC Partnership

In 2015, the world endorsed the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These historic accords presented countries with an unprecedented opportunity to align climate plans and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to spur economic growth and improve the livelihoods of all people.

To signal their commitments to the Paris Agreement, nations submit their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) — each country's strategy to cut its own greenhouse gas emissions and build resiliency against the negative effects of a changing climate — on a cycle every five years.

Launched in 2016 at COP22 in Marrakesh, the NDC Partnership was founded on the idea that technical assistance, expertise, and financing for climate action were not being deployed in an effective or coordinated way to maximize efforts towards achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement and the SDGs, and that greater support was urgently needed. In response, the NDC Partnership was established to facilitate collaboration between country governments, international institutions, non-state actors, and other partners to provide timely support for accelerated climate action.

The Partnership is now looking ahead to build on our early success at driving more ambitious action on climate change and sustainable development. Designed to coincide with the five-year Paris Agreement cycle, the NDC Partnership will continue to support countries through the implementation of their newly revised NDCs submitted in 2020-2021, through the Global Stocktake of 2023, and into the new cycle of NDC revision and enhancement that culminates in 2025. The Partnership aims to remain a major driver for successful implementation of both the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Wind turbines

Our Ten Guiding Principles

The NDC Partnership is guided by ten core principles to which all members commit


Support country-driven 


Promote long-term 
climate action


Enhance efficiency and responsiveness


Build in-country capacity


Improve coordination


Enhance integration into national planning


Advance adaptation and mitigation


Align development and climate change


Support multi-stakeholder engagement


Promote gender equality

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