Strengthening the Environmental Dimensions of the Sustainable Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific

East Asia and Pacific
Expertise Level
Resource Type
Guidance and Frameworks
Analysis Tools
Developer or Source
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

This tool compendium was co-published by the ADB and the UN Environment Programme and includes a collection of tools, methods, and resources, created by the two organizations and other development partners. The tools allows user to identify how and when the tool can be best applied, including by type, by policy cycle application; or when to use, by integration application; or how to use and by function. This tool compendium presents an inventory of tools, methods, and approaches that policy makers can use to better (i) understand the critical inter-linkages within and between environment-related goals and targets; (ii) promote policy coherence and integration of the environmental dimensions of the SDGs; and (iii) develop and select appropriate indicators, policies, and institutional arrangements to support the effective implementation of the environmental dimensions of the SDGs.

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