Guidelines for a just transition towards environmentally sustainable economies and societies for all

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Infrastructure and Industry
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Guidance and Frameworks
Developer or Source
International Labour Organization (ILO)

These guidelines, adopted by the Governing Body of the International Labour Organization (ILO) aim to support progress towards a low-carbon economy while also promoting social protection and creation of decent jobs at a large-scale. Managed well, transitions to environmentally and socially sustainable economies can become a strong driver of job creation, social justice, and poverty eradication. Greening all enterprises and jobs by introducing more energy and resource efficient practices, avoiding pollution and managing natural resources sustainably leads to innovation, enhances resilience and generates savings which drive new investment and employment. Guidance covers a variety of policy areas to address environmental, economic and social sustainability simultaneously including macroeconomic and growth policies, industrial and sectoral policies, enterprise policies, skills development, occupational safety and health, social protection, active labour market policies, rights, and social dialogue and tripartism.

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