Gender-Responsive Public Expenditure Management

Sectors and Themes
Economic Recovery
Expertise Level
Resource Type
Guidance and Frameworks
Developer or Source
Overseas Development Institute (ODI)

This public financial management introductory guide to gender-responsive public expenditure management (GRPEM) reviews the literature on the links between public expenditure and gender responsiveness and outlines a number of gender-responsive expenditure management reforms that could be taken forward by low-capacity states. The guide begins with a definition of GRPEM in the broader context of government policy, and proceeds to outline typical approaches to GRPEM, along with country examples of real-world experience. The paper then addresses the reality of budget reform in low-capacity countries in order to discuss how GRPEM can best work in practice in these contexts. This is followed by recommendations for how a ministry of finance or planning can begin to integrate gender considerations into public expenditure management systems. The paper concludes by providing an annotated bibliography of key literature to guide further reading.

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