The NDC Partnership is led by two Country Members serving as Co-Chairs, one from a developed country and one from a developing country. Co-Chairs provide political leadership, guidance, and oversight to elevate and direct the collective work of the membership. The Partnership is guided by a Steering Committee comprised of Country Members (developed and developing nations) and Institutional Members. The Steering Committee provides strategic direction to the Partnership, defines and approves its Work Program, as well as oversees its implementation, and ensures the Partnership’s overall objectives are achieved.
The Partnership’s work is facilitated by a Support Unit, hosted by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in Bonn, Germany, and the World Resources Institute (WRI) in Washington, DC.
The Co-Chairs lead the Partnership’s governance by directing the development of multi-year Work Programs for the Partnership, leading the Steering Committee, providing guidance to the Support Unit, and overseeing the Support Unit’s Annual Work Plans and budget.
Co-Chairs lead fundraising to ensure the continued operations of the Support Unit, secure funding for multi-donor trust funds managed by the Support Unit (e.g., the Partnership Action Fund), leverage their multi and bilateral development programs to meet country needs, as requested through the Partnership, and guide discussions on funding mechanisms with partners. They represent the Partnership externally in diplomatic fora, events and in the media.
Steering Committee

Asian Development Bank

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

United Nations Development Programme

World Bank Group

World Resources Institute

United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change