Uganda flag



Uganda submitted its updated NDC in 2022. The updated NDC presents an economy-wide mitigation target of reducing emissions by 24.7% by 2030 as compared to the business-as-usual scenario. The mitigation component of the updated NDC covers measures in the agriculture, forestry, and other land use, energy, transport, waste, and industrial processes and product use sectors, and the adaptation component covers agriculture, forestry, water, infrastructure, energy, risk management, health, wetlands, biodiversity, water and sanitation, fisheries, transport, manufacturing, industry, and mining, cities and built environment, disaster risk reduction, tourism, and education sectors. By 2030, Uganda strives to develop five green cities and raise climate change awareness for 11 million people. The estimated cost to implement both unconditional and conditional adaptation and mitigation actions and targets of the updated NDC and its cross-cutting issues is USD 28.1 billion up to 2030. The NDC update process was conducted simultaneously with the formulation of the Long-term Low Emissions Development Strategy (LTS) to ensure the alignment of long-term climate change strategies with short and medium-term climate actions.


Timeline of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Document Submissions

Please click on the timeline below to view the documents submitted.

Climate Commitments

Partnership Engagement
  • Membership: member since 2016
  • Governance: Uganda served as a country member to the NDC Partnership Steering Committee from 2019-2020. 
  • Country Engagement: Since joining the Partnership, Uganda has requested support related to improving the quality and ambition of the NDC; designing or improving policies, strategies, plans, and legislation; capacity building; and mainstreaming NDCs into national/subnational planning and budgeting. With Partnership support, Uganda developed an NDC Action Plan in 2018 which was the first Partnership Plan developed in Africa, and the Partnership is now supporting the update of the Partnership Plan. In addition, partners have supported various activities, including NDC revision through the Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP), economic recovery planning in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the mobilization of over USD $24 million for climate action. For further information on the requests submitted by Uganda, including outstanding areas of support, please follow the links in the following section.  

Country Documents

Access the country specific documents relevant to NDC Partnership in‑country work below.

Key Contacts

Focal Point Ministries

  • Ministry of Water and Environment
  • National Planning Authority (NPA) and Ministry of Finance Planning and Economic Development

Should there be any questions, please feel free to contact the Support Unit team at

Country Highlights

Uganda & UNDP

United Nations Development Programme
NDC Partnership Pavilion, COP25
Date & Time

05 December 2019

10:00AM Eastern Time (New York)