Nigeria submitted its first NDC in 2015 and the revised NDC in 2021. Nigeria recommits to its unconditional contribution of reducing emissions by 20% below the business-as-usual scenario by 2030 and increased its conditional target to 47% reduction in emissions by the same year. In the updated NDC, Nigeria has increased its ambitions with new added sectors including the waste and water sectors, and new gases including short lived climate pollutants (SLCPs) and hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The updated NDC broadens the scope and coverage of the country's climate commitments in the energy and efficiency, agriculture, oil and gas, power, and infrastructure and housing sectors. Nigeria strives to achieve net-zero by 2060.
Timeline of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Document Submissions
Please click on the timeline below to view the documents submitted.
Climate Commitments
- Membership: member since 2016
- Country Engagement: Since joining the Partnership, Nigeria has requested support related to designing or improving policies, strategies, plans, and legislation; mainstreaming NDCs into national/subnational planning; capacity-building; and LT-LEDS development and/or enhancement. In addition, partners have supported various activities including the NDC revision process through the Climate Action Enhancement Package, the development of the NDC Implementation Framework, and the NDC-ETP alignment exercise. For further information on the requests submitted by Nigeria’s, including outstanding areas of support, please follow the links in the following section.
Focal Point Ministry
- Ministry of Environment
Should there be any questions, please feel free to contact the Support Unit team at supportunit@ndcpartnership.org.