$263.3 million
Funding proposals are processed in batches every year. Duration of approval process varies according to transaction processing timelines by the trust fund team and by the project team. Contact ADB for more information.
Fund Focal: Hyoung Ryoul Lee - hlee[at]adb.org
Fund Team: Trina Mari Raymundo Samia - traymundo[at]adb.org
The fund was established in 2006 to contribute to poverty reduction in Asia and the Pacific by improving access to information and communication technology and facilitating knowledge sharing and partnerships.
Republic of Korea
Project implementation, supervision, and monitoring will be conducted by user departments following ADB’s standard policies, procedures, and guidelines.
The Government of Korea reviews applications from ADB and approve the EAKPF grant and TA amount for each application.
The fund supports ADB TAs, grants, and investments which contribute to project readiness, policy reforms, institutional capacity, and knowledge dissemination. All ADB DMCs are eligible for funding. The fund supports regional and country-specific initiatives.
All ADB developing member countries
Contact ADB for more information.