Myanmar submitted its updated First NDC in 2021. The updated NDC includes an unconditional emissions reduction target of 244.52 million tCO2e and a conditional target of 414.75 million tCO2e by 2030. The updated NDC covers energy, agriculture, forest and other land use sectors as well as adaptation.
Timeline of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Document Submissions
Please click on the timeline below to view the documents submitted.
Climate Commitments
- Membership: member since 2020
- Country Engagement: Since joining the Partnership, Myanmar has requested support for mainstreaming climate considerations to the post-COVID-19 economic recovery through the Economic Advisory Initiative. For further information on the requests submitted by Myanmar, including outstanding areas of support, please follow the links in the following section.
Should there be any questions, please feel free to contact the Support Unit team at supportunit@ndcpartnership.org.