Canadian Cooperation Fund on Climate Change

Type of Recipient
Public entity at the national level
Public entity at the sub-national level
Non-profit or civil society organization
Community-level organization
East Asia and Pacific
Europe and Central Asia
South Asia
Fund Size

Cumulative commitment: Can $5.24 million

Co-financing Requirement
Sectors and Themes
Nature-based Solutions and Ecosystem Services
Climate Objective
Type of Support Provider
Trustee or Administrator
Asian Development Bank (ADB)

The Canadian Cooperation Fund on Climate Change was established in 2001. It assists and engages ADB’s developing members in managing and abating the effect of climate change at the programming and policy levels to help reduce the growth of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Through the projects it finances, the fund promotes renewable energy and energy efficiency and supports carbon sequestration and adaptation to climate change. It also finances projects which can potentially access climate change convention–related mechanisms. The fund’s priority countries include the People’s Republic of China and India in reducing GHG emissions, Indonesia in carbon sequestration, and Pacific countries in adaptation to climate change.

Support Provider


Purpose of Support
Strengthening enabling environments and stakeholder capacity
Project and program implementation
Funding Type
Eligibility Criteria

Grant recipients are ADB's developing member countries and institutions operating in these countries.

Eligible Countries

All ADB developing member countries and institutions operating in those developing member countries are eligible to receive support from the fund.

The following member countries will be given priority:

  • China and India with activities relating to the prime objectives of greenhouse gas emission reductions
  • Indonesia with activities relating to carbon sequestration
  • Pacific countries with activities relating to adaptation to climate change
Information on how to

Please contact the ADB for more information.

Please note, funding is only available to pre-selected countries. See the eligible countries field for more information.