Climate Policy Assessment Tool (CPAT)

Resource Type
Analysis Tools
Expertise Level

CPAT Working Paper - includes details on the methodology, key inputs, assumptions, outputs, and caveats

Developer or Source
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
World Bank

The Climate Policy Assessment Tool (CPAT) is a spreadsheet-based model which helps policymakers to assess, design, and implement climate mitigation policies.

CPAT allows for the rapid estimation of effects of climate mitigation policies for over 200 countries. This includes impacts on energy demand and prices, CO2, and other greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, fiscal revenues, GDP, welfare, distributional impacts on households and industries, and development co-benefits like health benefits from reductions in local air pollution and road accidents.

Policies covered include carbon pricing (carbon taxes and ETSs), fossil fuel subsidy reform, energy price liberalization, electricity and fuel taxes, methane fees, VAT harmonization, energy efficiency and emission rate regulations, feebates, renewable subsidies and feed-in tariffs, green public investments, and combinations of these policies. These are evaluated against a range of metrics to help understand tradeoffs and tailor reforms to local contexts.

CPAT helps policymakers design, assess, and implement policies for accelerating decarbonization, achieving a just transition, and supporting other government objectives such as poverty eradication and increasing energy access. CPAT also provides consistent cross-country estimates of projections of emissions, fuel use by major energy sector, mitigation effort, and efficient fuel prices.

The tool is transparent and user-friendly, requiring little prior knowledge and no external data to run. It is parameterized to be to be broadly consistent with a wide range of ex ante models as well as the ex post empirical literature.

To access the CPAT, government representatives can request the tool by reaching out through their country’s respective Executive Director (ED) office.

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International Monetary Fund (IMF)

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