Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Fisheries and Aquaculture

Sectors and Themes
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Resource Type
Technical Support
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Developer or Source
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

This course provides an overview of adaptation and mitigation strategies that can be implemented in response to climate change impacts on the fisheries and aquaculture sector. This course addresses the subject matter from a technical perspective. It is designed for a range of stakeholders. Individuals who would especially benefit from taking this course include:
- Policy-makers
- Development practitioners and programme managers
- Sectoral specialists and academics
- Trainers and extension agents
Topics in this course include:
- General facts on the fisheries and aquaculture sector
- Impacts of climate change on the sector and specific elements on marine fisheries, inland fisheries and aquaculture
- Main responses to climate change including: Adaptation measures and their practical application through case studies; and mitigation measures to reduce the sector’s carbon footprint

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