Tracking SDG7: The Energy Progress Report

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International Energy Agency (IEA)
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)
World Bank
World Health Organization (WHO)

Tracking SDG7: The Energy Progress Report is a platform that provides the international community with information regarding progress on the targets of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG7). These targets include ensuring access to modern energy, increasing progress on energy efficiency, and expanding the share of renewable energy. The site reports global, regional and country progress that has been made regarding these targets and provides a score from 0 to 100; 100 meaning that the SGD7 target has been achieved. This data dates back as far as 1990 and has been put into interactive graphs, charts, and timelines. Users can apply filters to the data sets, to narrow their search. Users can also look at the country reports section to view a compiled list of all the data regarding specific countries’ progress on SDG7. The Energy Progress Report can also be downloaded as a full-length report for users to read more about current progress on SDG7 targets.

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International Energy Agency (IEA), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)

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PMNCH, World Health Organization (WHO)

International Energy Agency (IEA), United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

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