$149.4 million
Contact ADB for more information.
Fund Team: Ma. Victoria Antonio - vantonio.consultant[at]adb.org
The fund was established in 2013 under the Urban Financing Partnership Facility to help build the resilience of fast-growing medium-sized cities and reduce the risks that poor and vulnerable populations face from climate-related shocks and stresses, through better planning and investments in resilient infrastructure.
Switzerland, the Rockefeller Foundation, United Kingdom, United States
Project implementation, supervision, and monitoring will be conducted by user departments following ADB’s standard policies, procedures, and guidelines.
ADB's Urban Infrastructure Steering Committee makes recommendations on fund proposals.
Funds are available for cities in the 8 priority countries through the ADB Operations Department. The fund uses a systems-centered approach that supports making climate change a central element of city planning. The fund provides technical assistance and investment grant financing to projects that support climate change integration into city planning, implementation of both ‘hard’ (infrastructure) and ‘soft’ (policy or institutional) interventions and includes a strong knowledge component.
The eligible countries are Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, the Philippines, and Viet Nam.
Please contact the ADB for more information.
Please note, funding is only available to pre-selected countries. See the eligible countries field for more information.