Brazil submitted the second update of its NDC in 2022. The updated NDC commits to reducing emissions by 37% in 2025, and by 50% in 2030 as compared to ta 2005 base year. The updated NDC considers means of implementation for mitigation and adaptation actions in all economic sectors. Brazil has a long-term objective of achieving climate neutrality by 2050.
Timeline of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Document Submissions
Please click on the timeline below to view the documents submitted.
Climate Commitments
- Membership: member since 2016
- Country Engagement: Since joining the Partnership, Brazil has not requested any support through the Partnership. The Support Unit is currently exploring engagement opportunities with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Focal Point Ministry
- Ministry of Environment
Should there be any questions, please feel free to contact the Support Unit team at supportunit@ndcpartnership.org.