How the NDC Partnership Supports Biennial Transparency Reports
Countries are increasingly engaging with the NDC Partnership to not only plan and implement their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) but also track and communicate their progress through robust reporting.
A critical area of reporting-related support is the preparation of their Biennial Transparency Reports (BTRs). These reports are a cornerstone of the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) under the Paris Agreement. The ETF outlines how countries report progress on mitigation and adaptation efforts, ensuring transparency and accountability on climate commitments. BTRs, submitted every two years, are the ETF reporting mechanism. Developing countries completed their first BTR by the end of 2024, following developed countries’ 2022 submissions.
BTRs contain information on national inventory reports, NDC progress, policies and measures, climate impacts and adaptation and levels of financial, technology-transfer and capacity-building support. Given its relevance to NDC reporting, the NDC Partnership has been deeply involved in guiding countries through the BTR process to ensure accurate reporting that captures countries’ progress and informs their next steps.
In March 2024, the NDC Partnership co-organized a training workshop in Singapore to support 15 Asian countries in preparing their BTRs by the year-end deadline. Hosted by the Government of Singapore, the workshop provided participants with essential skills and knowledge. Training was delivered by Singapore’s National Climate Change Secretariat, Ministry of Sustainability and the Environment, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the UNFCCC secretariat, NAP Global Network and the NDC Partnership Support Unit, building regional capacity and fostering knowledge exchange.
Outside of Asia, the NDC Partnership has supported the Government of Mexico in BTR development, with a focus on integrating gender, intersectionality and human rights into mitigation and adaptation reporting. GGGI Mexico has positioned an in-country expert for this work, supporting the National Institute of Ecology and Climate Change (INECC).
Through the Global Call for NDCs 3.0 & LT-LEDS, the Partnership has also supported 33 countries with developing Monitoring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) systems. This support is crucial in developing countries’ capacity to operationalize the ETF.
BTRs are the primary tool for demonstrating countries’ overall progress on climate action. Their importance cannot be overstated. The NDC Partnership remains committed to supporting countries in building the capacity needed to track, communicate and strengthen their climate progress.
Learn more about the ETF and BTRs in the Climate Toolbox.