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NDC Partnership Global Call for NDCs 3.0 & LT-LEDS

The NDC Partnership's Global Call facilitates access to expertise and dedicated resources for countries to align, update and enhance Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Low Emissions Development Strategies (LT-LEDS) in line with the Paris Agreement.  

The Importance of the Global Call

By 2025, countries need to submit ambitious NDCs 3.0 that align with the goals of the Paris Agreement and respond to the outcomes of the first Global Stocktake (GST1).

Addressing the ambition, implementation and finance gaps identified in GST1 requires a coordinated effort to support countries in putting forward robust, implementable short-term commitments in their NDCs 3.0 and aligning these with Paris-compatible long-term targets and development pathways through their LT-LEDS.

NDCs are essential instruments for guiding urgent action and investment across sectors and society to address climate challenges and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Typically spanning five-year periods, with their third iteration due in 2025, they outline efforts and targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change, reflecting each country's individual circumstances, capabilities and ambitions.

LT-LEDS prioritize systemic changes, shaping mid- and long-term policies and investments and enabling governments to balance emissions reduction, economic growth, climate resilience and a just transition.

About the Global Call for NDCs 3.0 & LT-LEDS

The Global Call, formerly known as the Thematic Call on NDCs and LT-LEDS Alignment, Update and Enhancement, builds on the success of the NDC Partnership’s Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP), which deployed more than USD 55 million to support nearly 70 developing Country Members' 2020 NDC updates. All countries supported through CAEP raised their mitigation or adaptation ambition.

Since launching the Global Call in 2022, the Partnership has mobilized technical assistance amounting to USD 28 million and assisted more than 50 countries in their ambition-raising and implementation efforts.

By engaging in the Global Call, countries can leverage Partnership support to:

  • Assess, plan and develop NDCs 3.0 and LT-LEDS.
  • Align NDCs 3.0 and LT-LEDS using the most effective methods and information available.
  • Catalyze implementation of transformative policies.
  • Mobilize technical assistance that matches country needs with partner initiatives.
  • Access on-demand specialists from the 2050 Pathways Platform to develop long-term, net-zero, climate-resilient and sustainable development pathways.
  • Employ the NDC 3.0 Navigator — an interactive online tool housing expert-created resources — to develop more ambitious, implementable NDCs 3.0.


What the Global Call Offers Countries

Through the Global Call, countries can request support to develop their NDCs 3.0, develop or refine LT-LEDS, align these two instruments and jumpstart transformational policies.

The Global Call creates synergies between NDCs 3.0 and LT-LEDS processes, decisions and institutional arrangements while making their interconnections clear and actionable. It supports countries through complementary NDC and LT-LEDS tracks, enabling an immediate increase in ambition and guiding forthcoming updates and enhancements under the Paris Agreement by:

  1. Enhancing and raising the ambition of NDCs

Countries prioritize timely submission of NDCs 3.0 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), fostering alignment with the goals of the Paris Agreement and their LT-LEDS.

  1. Developing and updating LT-LEDS

Countries craft the vision and strategies for long-term low-emission and climate-resilient development, understanding its benefits, challenges and trade-offs and establishing actionable policies and plans to kick-start development transitions in a fair and sustainable manner.

Through one or both tracks, countries can leverage the expertise and resources available across the NDC Partnership to identify and strengthen the linkages between NDC 3.0 and LT-LEDS.

The NDC and LT-LEDS tracks are structured into three streams tailored to meet countries at their own specific stage of aligning, updating and/or enhancing their NDCs and LT-LEDS.

Developing Country Members can submit multiple requests for support through the online pre-screening form on a rolling basis until the third quarter of 2025. They can access support under multiple streams or place subsequent requests on a rolling basis as they progress from one stage of LT-LEDS and NDC development to the other.

Requests must come from the Focal Point of a Partnership Country Member to be considered. Click here for details on how to become a member of the Partnership.


For more information or to engage in the Global Call please contact us at