Climate Impacts Decision Support Tool (CIMPACT-DST) – Vietnam

East Asia and Pacific
Sectors and Themes
Disaster Risk Reduction
Expertise Level
Resource Type
Analysis Tools

CIMPACT-DST Project Documents and Resources:…

Inputs Needed
Topic(s) of interest
Outputs Provided
climate projections
spatial data
impacts information
and best practices tailored to climate risks relevant to Vietnam
Developer or Source
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)

Climate Impacts Decision Support Tool (CIMPACT-DST) – Vietnam helps urban planners and project developers address climate change risks in planning and operations. Houses relevant climate projections, spatial data, climate impacts information, and best practices. The tool filters information to show users streamlined and tailored set of the most relevant climate risks and guidance pertinent to a project's geography, sectors, and planning decisions. it is customized for Vietnam.

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