Aid Atlas

Expertise Level
Resource Type
Analysis Tools
Developer or Source
Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI)

Aid Atlas makes data on development finance around the world more accessible and more transparent. The first tranche of data comes from the OECD’s Creditor Reporting System (CRS), which is a comprehensive database of millions of individual finance transactions reported to the OECD by funders. Aid Atlas transforms this data set into intuitive visualizations and analysis that users can tailor to meet their needs.

Every year, hundreds of billions of dollars are mobilized internationally to help developing countries tackle poverty, pursue sustainable development and respond to challenges like climate change and biodiversity loss. These are critical financial resources, and it is in everyone’s interests to ensure they are being used wisely and effectively to help bring about real change on the ground. But the finance can be difficult to track because the aid architecture is complicated and opaque. And if we can’t track it easily, we can’t evaluate it.

So, Aid Atlas was designed to make the tracking simple and intuitive for everybody. Which means more effort can be put into exploring whether aid is having a positive effect around the world.