Burundi submitted its updated NDC in 2021. The updated NDC has an unconditional emissions reduction target of 3.04% and a conditional target of 12.61% by 2030. The NDC covers the energy, agriculture, water, health, and ecosystems sectors. The NDC includes the development of a logical framework to monitor and assess the implementation of priority mitigation and adaptation actions.
Timeline of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Document Submissions
Please click on the timeline below to view the documents submitted.
Climate Commitments
- Membership: member since 2017
- Country Engagement: Since joining the Partnership, Burundi has expressed interest in LT-LEDS development and/or enhancement.
Focal Point Ministry
- Burundian Office for Environment Protection
Should there be any questions, please feel free to contact the Support Unit team for the country below at supportunit@ndcpartnership.org.