The Philippine National REDD-plus Strategy (PNRPS)

Government of the Philippines
Climate Objective
Planning and Implementation Activity
Monitoring and Evaluation
Sectors and Themes
Forestry and Other Land Use
East Asia and Pacific
Case Summary

The Philippine National REDD-plus Strategy (PNRPS) presents a broad range of strategies and corresponding activities over a 10-year time horizon (2010-2020), and seeks to prepare forestlands managers throughout the country to assume responsibility in implementing REDD+ programs, research, projects and activities with the support of international, national and local agencies, NGOs and other support groups.

The PNRPS offers an overview of the forestry sector in the Philippines, a legal review of national policies in the context of REDD+, and a strategic outlook for REDD+ development. It then specifies REDD+ strategies and activities to facilitate REDD+ development over a 3-5 year Readiness Phase, and gradual scaling up to a 5 year Engagement Phase. These strategies are presented within 7 overlapping components: Enabling Policy; Governance; Resource Use, Allocation and Management; Research and Development; Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) of emissions reductions and review procedures for non-carbon social and environmental impacts and benefits; Sustainable Financing, and Capacity Building and Communication.