Learning’s from Nepal’s National Adaptation Plan formulation process

South Asia
Country Grouping
Least Developed Countries (LDCs)
Climate Objective
Planning and Implementation Activity
Developing Strategies and Plans
National Adaptation Plans
Barriers Overcome
Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)
Case Summary

The Ministry of Population and Environment of the Government of Nepal launched a National Adaptation Plan (NAP) formulation process for strengthening climate preparedness and facilitating climate-inclusive planning within existing programmes and policies across sectors. The NAP process builds on the National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA) which gives due recognition to social differentiation as well as natural and cultural heritage.

The process was carried out being mindful of the geographic, geo-political, socio-economic and socio-cultural realities of the country and its people. It has been inclusive by engaging vulnerable groups and emphasising gender concerns. Besides, multi-stakeholder consultative deliberations ensured incorporating viewpoints of non-governmental and private bodies.

Nepal's NAP formulation process followed an integrated working group approach with seven thematic and two cross-cutting groups, exemplifying the inter-sectoral nature of the process and dovetailing with existing policies and programmes. It has furthermore been characterised by a scientific basis for decision-making and transparency. The NAP process has been unique in the emphasis laid on inclusive bottom-up approaches and by capitalising on the developmental co-benefits.

Further Information

Case study author(s)

Neha Khandekar and Kavya Michael (TERI)

Basanta Paudel, NAP Technical Team Member School of Environmental Science and Management as an Assistant Professor, Pokhara University, Nepal, abi.basanta@gmail.com

Ministry of Population and Environment on the National Adaptation Plan formulation process: http://www.napnepal.gov.np/

Year Published