Harmonized Emissions Analysis Tool Plus (HEAT+)

Sectors and Themes
Resource Type
Analysis Tools
Expertise Level
Inputs Needed
Energy use
Transportation demand
Waste practices
Outputs Provided
Key functionalities of HEAT+ include:
Build an emissions inventory based on local energy use transportation demand and waste practices as well as flexibility in introducing additional sectors and gases
Accounting and reporting in terms of Scope-1, Scope-2, and Scope-3 local GHG emissions through revised IPCC and IEAP Guidance
Build a simple emissions forecast
Set a target/goal for reducing emissions
Quantify reductions of emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants planned measures
Develop, report, and track progress made in meeting that target.
Developer or Source
ICLEI Local Governments for Sustainability

HEAT+ is an online software to help local governments address climate change, by providing tools for planning mitigation actions in cities based on inventory of greenhouse gases and Climate Action Plan emissions. This tool follows the guidance provided by IPCC and International Local Government GHG Emissions Analysis Protocol (IEAP) and contains default emissions factors for various energy sources to calculate the total emissions.