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RFPs and TORs
RFP - Design and implementation of a capacity-building program to improve the integration of gender and climate change into the programs and activities of the Ministry of Public Works and Housing, Tunisia
The NDC Partnership seeks an organization to design and implement a capacity-building program to improve the integration of gender and climate change into the programs and activities of the Tunisian Ministry of Equipment and Housing.
RFP - Rwanda: Development of a Digital Water Permit System
The NDC Partnership Support Unit seeks a firm to design, develop, and implement a comprehensive Digital Water Permit System that will facilitate the issuance, management, and renewal of water use permits.
RFP - Analysis of NDC Enhancements from the Global Call
The NDC Partnership Support Unit seeks a vendor to review the results of the support provided to countries through the Global Call, including how it has translated into more ambitious NDCs 3.0, and summarize best practices and lessons learned to inform future NDC ambition raising efforts.
NDC Partnership Best Practice Brief: Experience Moving from NDC Planning to Investment
The NDC Partnership Support Unit seeks a vendor to carry out a detailed review of the NDC Partnership’s experiences and lessons in supporting developing countries to move from NDC planning to investment.