NDC Partnership Global Call for NDCs 3.0 & LT-LEDS
Supporting Countries in Developing NDCs 3.0 and LT-LEDS
The Global Call for NDCs 3.0 & LT-LEDS facilitates access to expertise and dedicated resources for countries to align, update and enhance Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Long-Term Low Emissions Development Strategies (LT-LEDS) in line with the Paris Agreement.
By engaging in the Global Call, countries can leverage Partnership support to:
- Assess needs, plan and develop NDCs 3.0 and LT-LEDS.
- Align NDCs 3.0 and LT-LEDS using the most effective methods.
- Catalyze the implementation of transformative policies.
- Mobilize technical assistance that matches country needs.
- Access on-demand technical specialists to enhance NDC and LT-LEDS development process.

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The Global Call is designed to create synergies between NDCs 3.0 and LT-LEDS processes, decisions and institutional arrangements while making their interconnections clear and actionable.
What the Global Call Offers Countries
Through the Global Call, Country Members can leverage the expertise and resources available across the NDC Partnership to develop their NDCs 3.0, develop or refine LT-LEDS and align these two instruments — jumpstarting implementation of transformational policies.
Country Members receive support through complementary NDC and LT-LEDS tracks:
Enhancing and Raising the Ambition of NDCs
Countries prioritize timely submission of NDCs 3.0 to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), fostering NDC alignment with the goals of the Paris Agreement and LT-LEDS.
Developing and Refining LT-LEDS
Countries craft the vision and strategies for their LT-LEDS, understanding benefits, challenges and trade-offs as they establish actionable policies and plans to kick-start development transitions in a fair and sustainable manner.
Scale of Mobilization
Since launching the Global Call in 2022, the Partnership has mobilized technical assistance amounting to USD 36 million and assisted more than 70 countries in their ambition-raising and implementation efforts.
The Global Call builds on the success of the Climate Action Enhancement Package (CAEP), which deployed more than USD 55 million to support nearly 70 developing Country Members' 2020 NDC updates. All countries supported through CAEP raised their mitigation or adaptation ambition.
How to Engage
Developing Country Members
Developing Country Members can initiate requests for support by completing the Pre-Screening Form (PSF) on a rolling basis until the third quarter of 2025.
Please note that requests must come from the Focal Point of a Partnership Country Member to be considered. Visit our members page for information on how to become a member of the NDC Partnership.
Implementing Partners
The NDC Partnership Support Unit circulates information on Country Member requests every six weeks.
Implementing Partners are invited to indicate their interest in supporting countries with their own resources through the Global Call. Institutional Members with technical capacity but limited financial resources are eligible to apply for Partnership Action Fund (PAF) funding to support countries that have not received support from other partners.
Visit our members page for information on how to become a member of the NDC Partnership.
Download the Global Call brochure for more in-depth information on Global Call processes and avenues for engagement.
If you have questions or would like to engage in the Global Call, please contact us at globalcall@ndcpartnership.org.

Frequently Asked Questions
- What are NDCs 3.0?
Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) are essential instruments for reducing emissions and adapting to the effects of climate change. They guide urgent action and investment across sectors. Spanning five-year periods, strong NDCs are grounded in national circumstances and informed by sound data analysis and the outcomes of the Global Stocktake.
NDCs 3.0, the next round of NDCs due in 2025, are expected to build on previous commitments, demonstrating the highest possible ambition to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, including its long-term temperature goal, while building far greater resilience.
Under the five-year Paris Agreement ambition cycle, NDCs 3.0 are due by 2025. These NDCs will form the basis of countries’ climate commitments moving forward and will be highly important documents for this critical decade and beyond.
- What is a Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS)?
LT-LEDS are comprehensive plans for achieving sustainable, low-emissions development over the long term. They guide countries in aligning their development goals with the Paris Agreement temperature goal. Developing and implementing LT-LEDS can assist governments to prioritize systemic changes and shape mid- to long-term policies and investments that balance emissions reductions, economic growth, climate resilience and a just transition.
For Member Countries
- What support can countries access by engaging with the Global Call?
By engaging with the Global Call, Country Members access the technical expertise and experience of over 200 members that can support them by:
- Helping determine immediate country needs for the development of NDCs 3.0, leveraging the NDC 3.0 Navigator.
- Providing technical assistance to assess previous NDCs, plan and develop NDCs 3.0 and LT-LEDS.
- Aligning NDCs 3.0 and LT-LEDS, along with other key national planning documents like development plans and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs).
- Mobilizing financial resources to engage technical support from partners through the Partnership Action Fund (PAF).
- Sharing lessons learned and best practices leading to high-quality, ambitious, implementable and investable NDCs.
- How can countries request support through the Global Call?
To request support through the Global Call, countries must submit a Pre-Screening Form (PSF) with relevant background information on their request. The Global Call team will work in collaboration with the Country Engagement Specialist to identify how the NDC Partnership can best support the country.
Note: Pre-Screening Forms will be received on a rolling basis. Requests will be considered only when submitted by, or in alignment with, the Focal Point of a Partnership Country Member.
For general inquiries, countries are welcome to reach out directly via globalcall@ndcpartnership.org
- Who is eligible to receive support from the NDC Partnership?
NDC Partnership Developing Country Members are eligible for direct, tailored expertise, technical assistance and funding through the collective response of our more than 200 members.
- How does a country join the NDC Partnership?
We welcome all countries that are committed to ambitious NDC implementation and long-term, climate-resilient, low-emission development. To learn more about joining the Partnership as a member, please see our Membership Guidelines for details on eligibility and the application process. Membership is free.
- Can Country Members submit multiple requests for support?
Developing Country Members can submit multiple requests for support on a rolling basis until the third quarter of 2025. They can place subsequent requests on a rolling basis as they progress in the development of their NDC and LT-LEDS development.
Please note that requests must come from the Focal Point of a Partnership Country Member to be considered. Visit our members page for information on how to become a member of the NDC Partnership.
- What is the typical timeframe for receiving support, and how long does the entire process take?
Country requests are circulated approximately every six weeks. Partners then have one month to respond with expressions of interest, at which point countries and partners typically connect to discuss the scope of support.
Countries that did not receive support are eligible to submit their requests through the Partnership Action Fund (PAF) for circulation and are then subject to the PAF process timelines. The timeline for implementation commencement varies depending on the country context, government engagement and partner response, among other factors. While we emphasize an urgent timeline for support under the Global Call given the tight timeline for NDC 3.0 submission, the Partnership is not an implementing agency and is subject to its members’ timelines.
- What is the NDC Navigator, and how can I access it?
The NDC 3.0 Navigator is an interactive online platform that helps developing nations explore nationally relevant approaches to preparing ambitious NDCs, raising ambition and addressing implementation and financing needs for stronger NDCs 3.0 — 2025 submissions.
For Implementing Partners
- How can Implementing Partners or institutions offer support or express interest in a request from a country?
The Partnership circulates all requests for support every six weeks. Partners interested in providing technical support to respond to country needs identified in the circulation are welcome to respond following the guidance provided in the circulation. All institutional Focal Points receive the circulation and guidance on how to respond to the requests submitted.
For partners keen to engage early with specific countries, we encourage response to the Preliminary Screening Forms (PSFs) submitted through a non-binding Expression of Interest (EoI). PSFs are available to Partnership members here.
If you are interested in supporting countries in their NDC 3.0 and LT-LEDS development and are not currently a member of the Partnership, please reach out to globalcall@ndcpartnership.org.
- Who is eligible to apply for the Partnership Action Fund (PAF)?
Institutional Members with technical capacity but limited financial resources are eligible to apply for the PAF to support countries that have not received support from other partners.
The Partnership is not an implementing agency and, as such, PAF is considered a last resort alternative for countries that have not yet received partner responses. Institutional Members who express their interest in accessing PAF funds will be invited to prepare proposals for unsupported requests. Proposals will be selected based on an objective evaluation process that includes country counterpart evaluation.
- What types of support do countries request under the Global Call?
To get a sense of the type of requests submitted through the Global Call, please visit our online compilation of requests here. You can also reach out to us directly with specific questions globalcall@ndcpartnership.org.
- Who can join the NDC Partnership, and what benefits do members receive?
Visit our Membership Guidelines for information on joining the NDC Partnership.
The NDC Partnership is open to international institutions committed to ambitious implementation of NDCs under the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
By joining the NDC Partnership, members gain access to a global network of knowledge and resources to support their work in climate action. This growing network of partners helps deliver a flexible array of services geared towards implementation of NDCs through, amongst others, targeted technical assistance and capacity building, knowledge products, enhanced financial support, knowledge sharing and collective learning. Together, we achieve more.
- Which NDC Partnership Members are providing support through the Global Call?
To date, over 30 partners are actively supporting countries through the Global Call:
- The German Federal Foreign Office (AA)
- The Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
- The African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
- The German Development Ministry (BMZ)
- The German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK)
- Climate Analytics
- The United States Department of State (DoS)
- The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
- The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)
- The Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
- The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
- Global Affairs Canada
- The Initiative for Climate Action Transparency (ICAT)
- The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
- The International Climate Initiative (IKI)
- The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
- The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- Perspectives Climate Research GmbH (PCR)
- The UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN)
- The Support Project for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement (SPA)
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands
- The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
- The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
- The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
- The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
- The United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
- The Flemish Institute for Technological Research (VITO)
- The World Bank (WB)
- The World Resources Institute (WRI)
- The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)